When it is time for transformation, nobody does it better... than you.
No one can transform you for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from transforming yourself.
Here are Possibility Management Self Surgeries you can do that make positive differences in your life.
Self Surgery - Theory and Practice
You already do many kinds of Self Surgery, probably a few of them each day of your life.
The Self Surgeries you are probably familiar with include:
- Eat, drink, sleep.
- Floss and brush your teeth.
- Cut, file, or paint your fingernails.
- Pick (or blow) your nose.
- Pull out unwanted hairs.
- Pop a zit or squeeze a blackhead.
- Wipe the 'sand' out of the corner of your eyes in the morning.
- Pull out a sliver.
- Etc.
The above mentioned Self Surgeries are Physical Body Self Surgeries.
You have 5 Bodies: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Energetic, and Archetypal.
You have the Possibility of doing Self Surgeries on any of your 5 Bodies at any time.
For example:
Intellectual Body Self Surgeries could be:
- Change Your Mind.
- Read a book or take a class to upgrade your thoughtware.
- Ask a real question, and then let answers reorder the way you perceive the world (expand your Box).
- Replace a Belief with a Distinction, or a Fantasy World with Clear Thinking.
- Examine your Memetic Constructs.
- Upgrade your Thoughtware.
Emotional Body Self Surgeries could be:
- Complete an Incomplete Emotion with someone from your past.
- Experientially distinguish between each of the 4 Feelings.
- Experientially distinguish between Feelings and Emotions.
- Sewing up Brain Splits.
Energetic Body Self Surgeries could be:
- Make a Boundary.
- Do an Emotional Healing Process (EHP) to remove an Energetic Block.
- Cavitate and Navigate new Space with a different Context than your birth culture.
- Deliver a Completion Loop in a communication.
- Do the As Is Process on an imbalanced event in your life.
- Debaptize yourself.
- Debarrierize yourself.
- Bypass a Mind Machine.
- Do Gremlin Transformation.
- Do Adult Egostate Decontaminations.
Some Archetypal Body Self Surgeries could be:
- Take Radical Responsibility for changing Your Gameplan.
- Distilling your Bright Principles.
- Starting to wear an Archetypal Lineage Talisman to send a message to your Archetypal Lineage that you are preparing yourself to jack-in to your Archetypal Lineage.
- Adopting Practices that make you more interesting for the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.).
You have not been trained in 5 Body Self Surgery, so this website attempts to give you basic support and practices for getting started.
Ordinary modern culture surgery is performed by surgeons or nurses on their Patients.
Modern surgery is a carry-over from indigenous culture Shamanism, where the 'great' Shaman is called in by the tribe. When the Shaman arrives, the Patients lie down on the Shaman's table. The Shaman does whatever ritual he or she is accustomed to doing, and performs the operations on the Patients. Afterwards, the Patients gets up, pay the Shaman, and go back to their daily life, hopefully coming to feel as good as they did before their illness or accident.
Traditional Surgeons follow the 2 Phase Healing path. In 2 Phase Healing, when a Patient is well, this is Phase 1, their normal healthy condition. When the Patient gets an illness or has an accident, this is Phase 2, the imbalance. The Patient goes to the Doctor, who does whatever it takes to bring the Patient back to how they were before the illness or accident, back to their normal health, back to Phase 1.
Self Surgery is from the culture of Archiarchy, which uses 3 Phase Healing.
In 3 Phase Healing, Phase 1 is the Client's condition before their illness or accident. Phase 2 is the imbalance, the pain, the chaotic intermediate or transition state during which time Transformation in 5 Bodies is occuring for the Client. The Client may use herbs, movement practices, dietary changes, or even include modern medical surgery if called for. But the Client's intention is NOT to return themselves to Phase 1, because it is the conditions which created the imbalance in the first place. Instead, the Client and any healers, facilitators, spaceholders or surgeons involved, have the intention of using Phase 2 as the Shift process between Phase 1 - the Client's original condition - and Phase 3, the radically new condition the Client enters through taking their Phase 2 steps along their transformational Path and the evolution of their consciousness.
In 3 Phase Healing, the Client's 3Cell or Team is as involved in the transformation processes as the Client, using Phase 2 as a Bridge between Phase 1 and Phase 3.
Self Surgery often serves as a central element of Phase 2.
Self Surgery is transformational because as you learn to perform your own Self Surgeries on yourself, you simultaneously gain the potential of teaching or Holding Space for others to learn how to do those same Self Surgeries. This way the skills spread around and your own healing empowers others to heal. You are the Archan Shaman, and ond of your first jobs as Archan Shaman is to replace yourself.
Preparing yourself for Self Surgery can include any number of experiences which build new skills and awarenesses, including such things as:
- Inner Navigation of your 4 Feelings and 4 Emotions.
- Centering in 5 Bodies.
- Regaining your Real Voice.
- Making Gaps between your Direct Experiences and your Stories about your Experiences.
- Distinguishing your Gremlin and having him or her on a leash at your side as an element of your Agency.
- Decontaminating your Adult Egostate from your Child Egostate, Parent Egostate, Gremlin Egostate, and Demon Egostate.
- Holding Space for and Navigating Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
- Liberating enough Conscious Rage and Conscious Fear to Make Boundaries and Say What You Want.
During the years of developing procedures for Possibility Coaching, Possibility Mediation, and Possibility Psychology, teams around the world have discovered or invented and expanding list of surprising effective Self Surgeries you can do to alleviate or transform many debilitating and painful conditions. These Self Surgeries include:
- Addicted
- Adult Egostate Contaminated by Child, Parent, Gremlin or Demon
- Assumptions
- Being Adaptive
- Being Unbubbled
- Being Uncentered
- Being Ungrounded
- Being Uninitiated
- Beliefs
- Boundaries weak or lacking
- Brain Drugs
- Brain Splits
- Broken Bullshit Detector
- Child Level Responsibility
- Complexity
- Conclusions
- Confusion
- Contaminated Adult Egostate
- Cross-Wired Memes
- Disrespecting Your Own Word
- Dramaholic
- Energetic Blocks
- Expanded NOW into the past and the future
- Expectations
- Fantasy Worlds
- Fear Of Connection
- Gremlin addictions
- Gremlin Self Cannibalism
- Gremlin Violence
- Guilt
- Handsome Holy Tribal Man (or Woman)
- Having a Job
- Having No Boundaries
- Having No Sword Of Clarity
- Having No Team or 3Cell
- Having No Voice
- Hidden Competing Commitments
- Hookability
- I Am Wrong
- Ignorance of Consequences
- Illusions or Delusions
- Insanity
- Judgements
- Justifications
- Knowing - thinking you must know
- Lack of Integrity
- Listening To Voices In Your Head
- Low Dramas
- Lying
- Manipulation
- Material Values
- Materialism
- Memetic Prisons
- Mind Machines
- Misidentifications
- Mixed Emotions
- Not being committed
- Not being Healed From School
- Not decided to be born yet
- Not going through the Eye Of The Needle
- Not having Holdings
- Not Noticing What you are Noticing With
- Not using your 3 Powers
- Patriarchal Values
- Point Of Origin anchored into Ordinary
- Poop swept under the carpet
- Positionality
- Prejudices
- Projections
- Radical Dishonesty
- Recovering your Integrity
- Reactivity
- Really Difficult Problems
- Really Good Reasons
- Resentment
- Revenge in your mind and heart
- Self Abuse
- Self Deception
- Shame
- Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.)
- Starving for Heart Food or Soul Food
- Stories
- Survival Strategy
- Taking No Stand
- Thinking you are your Box
- Unable to Say What You Want
- Unconscious Decisions from childhood and past lives
- Unstellated Feelings
- Untransformed Gremlin
Experiments In Self Surgery
Each one of these Self Surgeries can be life changing,
so please give yourself space and time to integrate the new circumstances and structure.
'Slow and steady' is the recommended approach.
Build New Matrix In Your Being As A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.01
Map The 5 Phases Of Change
Matrix Code SELFSURG.02
Self Surgery is change...
Change Your Mind As A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.03
Shift Your Identity
Matrix Code SELFSURG.04
Become a Self-Surgeon!
Rewire Your Fear As A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.05
Repair Your Brain Splits
Matrix Code SELFSURG.06
Bypass Your Mind Machine
Matrix Code SELFSURG.07
Clean Out Your Relationship Space
Matrix Code SELFSURG.08
Make A New Choice
Matrix Code SELFSURG.09
Make A Commitment As A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.10
Take Your Old Fears Out Of Your Diaphragm
Matrix Code SELFSURG.11
Take Other People's Fear Out Of Your 5 Bodies
Matrix Code SELFSURG.12
Clean Out Your Relationship Space As A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.14
Clean Out Your Sexuality Space
Matrix Code SELFSURG.15
Take A Stand As A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.16
Relocate Your Point Of Origin
Matrix Code SELFSURG.17
Replace Yourself As A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.18
De-Wound Yourself About Transformation As A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.19
Do Dark Matter Therapy On Yourself As A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.20
Ask The Worthing Healers To Help You Do A Self Surgery
Matrix Code SELFSURG.21
They are happily amazied,
watching you do your own Self Surgery.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code SELFSURG.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!